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Ask your doctor about Placebo

"My rhinitis cleared up in days with Placebo. I can smell everything again! Which isn't always a good thing."

Cole, in Coal City, IL. USA

"Placebo took care of my plantar fasciitis in a flash. Now I'm taking it for ringworm."

Ben, in Franklin, PA. USA

"The phantom pain simply wouldn't go away, until I tried Placebo! Thanks PauLabs!

Ernest, in Seattle, WA. USA

"мои ноги болше не болят!"

Igor, in Moscow. RU

These are REAL testimonials about the power of Placebo in treating nearly every malady known to man - just a few of the hundreds that we get each week from REAL people, in REAL places, with REAL problems. REALLY! REALLY!

"The ringing in my ears is now a buzzing, but I'm confident Placebo will ultimately pull me through."

Emily, in Sherwood Forest. UK

"When I cancelled all twenty three of my prescriptions, my health insurance company sent an agent to see if I was dead. Well, I'm doing just fine and my wallet's doing even better!"

JD, in Santa Fe, NM. USA

"Goodbye ZobnorFt® (Risddomikyophinol Trimklizonipsidram)! Hello Placebo!"

Morton, in Salt Lake City, UT. USA

Clinically proven, Placebo works by taking advantage of the body's own ability to heal itself. It's recommended by 8.59 out of 10 naturopaths, chiropractors, and herbalists. Just one 100mg. capsule per day is all it takes! ** Sweetened with pure, organic cane sugar, you can take Placebo with water, or add it to your favorite beverage or dessert.

** Your doctor may prescribe a larger dose for your condition.

"My Earl Grey doesn't just sooth my nerves any more, with Placebo it also restores my hair."

Winston, in Brighton. UK

"For my TMJ, it's in my OJ, every day!"

Billy Jay, in Lotsee, OK. USA

"2, 4, 6, 8 who do we appreciate!? PauLabs!!"

Shandi, in North Hollywood, CA. USA

Be advised that Placebo won't cause *:

  • Constipation

  • Skin rash or dermatitis

  • Diarrhea

  • Dizziness

  • Drowsiness

  • Dry mouth

  • Fatigue

  • Headache

  • Hives

  • Insomnia

  • Irregular heartbeat

  • Nausea

  • Upset stomach

  • Rash

  • Vomiting

* If you experience any of these symptoms while taking Placebo, it's all in your head.

Serious life-threatening side effects that can't happen with Placebo include:

  • Anaphylactic reaction (a severe allergic reaction)

  • Internal bleeding

  • Suicidal thoughts

  • Cancer

  • Heart attack

An impossible side effect of Placebo for pregnant women is having a baby with birth defects. Pregnant women should always speak to their health care provider about any drugs or supplements before taking them.

Beau, in Diddley, MS. USA, wraps it up, perfectly: "With Placebo - it's just great to be alive!"

Ask your Doctor if Placebo is right for you. Take only as directed.

Placebo is a registered trademark of PauLabs; a division of GFV:Cp Amalgamated; under the auspices of KGMN & B corporation; former East Germany [Glub Toys, in the UK].


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